From June 26 to 29, 2024, training took place for 70 members of community committees in the city of Maputo, on Gender Violence (GBV), within the framework of the project “Consolidating exit routes from gender-based violence in Maputo”, financed by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD).
The different thematic issues were taught by the gender focal points and facilitators of the city's multi-sector group, namely: Office of Attention to Families and Minor Victims of Violence, City Health Services and the Department of Gender, Children and Social Action.
The main objective of the training was to train 70 members of Community Committees, from all the neighbourhoods of the Municipal District of Kamubukwana, Maputo, on GBV, so that they become agents of change, with the aim of increasing sensitivity, knowledge and response to this problem in the community.
With this training, it is also expected that the 70 members of the community committees will have the necessary skills to identify cases of GBV and refer them to integrated care, through, in particular, the Hixikanwe Association and the Multisectoral Mechanism for Comprehensive Attention to Women Victims of Violence.
Activity carried out within the scope of the project “Consolidating exit routes from gender-based violence in Maputo” (2024-2025), implemented by medicusmundi, Fórum Mulher and Hixikanwe Association, and financed by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD).