medicusmundi trains journalists to report cases about Gender-Based Violence

The capacity building aims to increase sensitivity on gender issues through greater knowledge and application of the Regulation of the Code of Ethics for Journalists in Mozambique on Ethical Communication in the coverage of issues of Gender-Based Violence, produced by medicusmundi.

medicusmundi, Forum Mulher and MISA-Mozambique, are starting today a six (6) day training course on news coverage of cases of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) for 30 journalists in Maputo. The capacity building aims to increase sensitivity on gender issues through greater knowledge and application of the Regulation of the Code of Ethics for Journalists in Mozambique on Ethical Communication in the coverage of issues of Gender-Based Violence, produced by medicusmundi.

During the implementation of the program “Contributing to the Defense, Guarantee and Exercise of a Violence-Free Life of Women in Maputo – Phase II”, medicusmundi found that the treatment of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the media , still presents several challenges. There are some changes, mostly in terms of the amount of material and not necessarily in the quality of the content. The prevalence of a sensationalist approach, characterized by the absence of contradictory and/or balance of sources, and an approach tending to expose and blame the victim/survivor and not the aggressor. The media's weak domain of this theme is one of the factors, in addition to the editorial policies and routines that relegate GBV issues to the third level.

According to Eduardo Namburete, training facilitator, GBV is a violation of fundamental human rights, particularly those of women, and constitutes a public health problem, with implications for the economy of people and countries, and a negative impact on society as a whole. a whole, for this reason GBV should be well reported by the Mozambican press.

Throughout the training, it is intended:

  • Increase journalists' sensitivity to gender issues by improving the concepts of gender and sex;
  • Develop an understanding of the definition of Gender-Based Violence, the form and methods of Gender-Based Violence;
  • Reflect on Gender-Based Violence as a violation of human rights;
  • Expose participants to the causes and consequences of Gender-Based Violence, the national and international commitments undertaken by Mozambique to combat gender-based violence;
  • Discuss the main mistakes made in reporting on women's issues, especially the issues of Gender-Based Violence;
  • Improve the skills of journalists and the quality of reporting on Gender-Based Violence.

The program “Contributing to the Defence, Guarantee and Exercise of a Violence-Free Life of Women in Maputo – Phase II”, is implemented by medicusmundi, Fórum Mulher and MISA-Mozambique, with the financial support of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD).