On this occasion, from the 23rd to the 26th of August, our nutritionist colleague, Rufina Camicha, visited the community "Unidade B" in the district of Montepuez
On this occasion, from the 23rd to the 26th of August, our nutritionist colleague, Rufina Camicha, visited the community "Unidade B" in the district of Montepuez, where, together with the technician from the District Service of Infrastructure (SDPI), he verified the level of progress of families in the self-construction of latrines in their homes, the installation of "tipy-tap" systems for hand washing and the application of other hygiene practices such as opening a homemade incinerator for waste management, construction of "cups" (structures made with sticks and bamboo to place kitchen utensils after cleaning and thus prevent them from coming into contact with the ground and animals).
At the same time, our colleague Rufina took the opportunity to remind us that it is essential to follow good hygiene practices to combat malnutrition, as adequate hygiene can prevent the onset of recurrent infections and diarrhea, factors associated with the perpetuation of child malnutrition.
During the same trip, the opportunity was taken to visit the district of Namuno where cooking demonstrations were held in the villages of Mahari (model community) and Muatuca in collaboration with professionals from the district health service, women and social action (SDSMAS). In these cooking demonstrations, there was a contribution from one of the members of the model communities strategy regarding the production of home/family gardens, with some products for food preparation (kale and onion). In this way, the objective was to promote the message that it is possible to have a healthy and nutritious diet through the consumption of local products.
Our nutritionist took the opportunity to leave some recommendations and motivate families to continue working to eradicate chronic malnutrition in the community.
Nourished community, healthy community!
This activity has been carried out with the financial support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) within the Agreement 18-CO1-1096 «Improving the population's health based on its Social Determinants, with special focus on nutrition, through the strengthening of Primary Health Care as the best strategy to ensure the right to health and the collaboration of civil society, research institutions, and the National Health System». The content of this news is the sole responsibility of medicusmundi and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the AECID.