Spain's Secretary of State for International Cooperation visits the Mavalane's CAIVV in Maputo

The Secretary of State was satisfied with the functioning of the CAIVV in Mavalane and reiterated her country's support in the areas of health and gender in Mozambique.

Social Determinants of Health

Pilar Cancela, Spain's Secretary of State for International Cooperation, visited on March 3rd the Centre for Assistance to Women Victims of Violence (CAIVV) in Mavalane, Maputo. The visit was organized by the Technical Cooperation Office of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (OTC-AECID) and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), together with medicusmundi and Fórum Mulher.

The purpose of this visit was to learn about the services offered by the CAIVV and the challenges in assisting victims of violence in Maputo, as well as the technical support provided by medicusmundi through the Multisectoral Mechanism for Integrated Assistance to Women Victims of Violence (MMAIMVV), within the scope of the program financed by the ACCD “Contribute to the Defense, Guarantee and Exercise of a Life Free of Violence for the Women of Maputo”, started in December 2017 and which is now in its third phase.

Pilar Cancela was accompanied during the visit by the Ambassador of Spain in Mozambique and Eswatini, Alberto Cerezo, and by the heads and technical teams of Spanish Cooperation, Catalan Cooperation, Forum Mulher and medicusmundi. The Secretary of State was satisfied with the functioning of the CAIVV in Mavalane and reiterated her country's support in the areas of health and gender in Mozambique.

On the occasion, Pilar Cancela also shared examples from other countries, where there is an integrated response in cases of violence and, guaranteed that Spain will continue to support Mozambique in the fight against all forms of violence against women.