Exchange of experiences between the municipalities of Maputo and Barcelona

From May 27 to 31, took place the first exchange of experiences planned for the project “Improving municipal policies for people with disabilities in Maputo”, financed by Barcelona City Council and implemented by medicusmundi, in collaboration with ADEMO and the Municipal Council of the City of Maputo.

Social Determinants of Health

the exchange of experiences served to increase the level of knowledge

The exchange of experiences with the Municipal Institute of People with Disabilities of Barcelona (IMPD) took place in this city, from May 27 to 31 and included the following delegation from the city of Maputo: Clélia Pondja (Project Manager of medicusmundi) ; Farida Gulamo (Executive Director of the Association of People with Disabilities of Mozambique – ADEMO); Emília Cumaquela (Municipal Director of Health and Quality of Life); and Gilda Samuel (Municipal Director of Women, Social Assistance and Family).


During the last week of May, the Mozambican delegation had the opportunity to meet with various departments of the IMPD in Barcelona, ​​a model institution on the European scene and which has several training and technical advisory activities planned within the framework of the ongoing project.


In addition to the technical meetings, visits were made to different places, including initiatives of the institute or the municipality itself, as well as to other entities that work in this area, in the city of Barcelona, ​​including the Federation of Physical Disability Entities of Catalonia (ECOM) and the Catalan Association for Integration and Human Development (ACIDH). The main objective of the visit was to collect experiences carried out in the city of Barcelona, ​​especially in the field of improving accessibility, inclusion and diversity with and for people with disabilities.


As a summary, Clélia Pondja, the medicusmundi project manager, states that “the exchange of experiences served to increase the level of knowledge of the mechanisms and processes of implementation and operation of accessibility and inclusion policies for people with different disabilities, which is expected to be applied in the future in some parts of the city of Maputo.”


In this sense, the project seeks to provide and publicize the best approaches and intervention models, in order to develop strategic actions in the field of improving accessibility in Maputo, and more specifically the improvement of health infrastructures, as well as the detection and response capacity for people with disabilities who live in the city of Maputo.

medicusmundi would like to thank the Municipality of Barcelona, and in particular the Municipal Institute of People with Disabilities, for all the collaboration provided before and during the visit.


Activity carried out within the framework of the project “Improve municipal policies for people with disabilities in Maputo”, financed by the Municipality of Barcelona and implemented by medicusmundi, in collaboration with ADEMO and the Municipal Council of Maputo.