
Second session of the Film Festival on Obstetric Humanization

Medicus Mundi, Saber Nascer and the Alliance for Health held the night of 28th July 2022, at the Mafalala Museum, another session of the Film Festival “Activa-te pelo Direito à Saúde” to discuss Obstetric Humanization.
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Medicus Mundi and MISA train members of the Maputo Municipal Commission on Social Determinants of Health in Communication for Social and Behavioral Change

The members of the Municipal Commission for Social Determinants of Health of the city of Maputo participated, between the 3rd and 4th of August 2022, in two training sessions on “Communication for Social and Behavior Change” and “Social Determinants of Health”. Saúde”, which took place in room 107 of the TDM, in Maputo.
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Medicus Mundi and Centro Terra Viva start the activities of a new project in the area of artisanal mining in Cabo Delgado and Nampula

Since July 13th, medicusmundi (MM) and Centro Terra Viva (CTV) have been holding meetings to present the new project 
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Alliance for Health makes donations to women survivors of Gender-Based Violence

The network of organizations of the society “Alliance for Health”, Medicus Mundi and Fórum Mulher made, on June 6th of the current year, the delivery of donations to women survivors of Gender-Based Violence
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Medicus Mundi and Fórum Mulher finance 20 Women Entrepreneurs Survivors of Violence

Medicus Mundi and Fórum Mulher delivered, on the morning of June 16, 2022, funding for 20 women to start and strengthen their own businesses
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Maputo City Council creates First Commission on Social Determinants of Health in Mozambique

“Most of the burden of diseases that exist, in all countries, is the result of the conditions in which people are born, live and age, and Mozambique is no exception”.
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