
Psychosocial support to mutual help groups made up of women survivors of GBV

Medicus Mundi, in partnership with the Health Service of Maputo, carried out 10 psychosocial support sessions for women survivors of Gender-based Violence (GBV), between June and August 2023, at the Integrated Care Centres (CAIVs) for GBV Victims in Bagamoio, Mavalane and 1st of May, in Maputo.
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Training of Community Activists in Maputo

Between the 21st and 24th of July, in the TDM meeting room, in the District of KaMpfumu, city of Maputo, took place a training of Community Activists for the implementation of Community Surveillance of COVID-19, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, Measles, Neonatal Tetanus, Diarrhoea/Cholera and Gender-Based Violence.
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Course on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the Context of Climate Emergency

During the months of May and June 2023, there was held a face-to-face course in the city of Maputo, and later its online version, entitled "Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the Context of Climate Emergency". This course is part of a collaboration between medicusmundi, Fórum Mulher and Alliance for Health, and was developed and taught by Professor Teresa Cunha, with the technical and pedagogical support of our colleague Djamila Andrade.
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Self-help groups of women survivors of Gender-based violence in Maputo

medicusmundi and Fórum Mulher have been supporting the Government of Mozambique in the operation of the Multisectoral Mechanism for Comprehensive Care for Women Victims of Violence (MMAIMVV). The main objective is to prevent, avoid and alleviate the suffering of women victims of violence.
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Diffusion of the documentary "WOMAN" in Maputo

During the month of June (from June 6 to 27) several screenings of the documentary WOMAN were held on the outskirts of the city of Maputo, specifically in the neighborhoods surrounding Malhazine (Magoanine A, Bagamoio and George Dimitrov).
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The Maternal and Child Health Nursing Course begins in Pemba

In Mozambique, the mid-level nurses are the main health services providers for women/mothers and children. 
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Spain's Secretary of State for International Cooperation visits the Mavalane's CAIVV in Maputo

The Secretary of State was satisfied with the functioning of the CAIVV in Mavalane and reiterated her country's support in the areas of health and gender in Mozambique.
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Medicus Mundi supports the prevention of water-borne diseases in Maputo

Three thousand nine hundred and thirty-six (3,936) families from Maputo Municipality will benefit from water purifiers.
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Medicusmundi participates in the celebration of World Food Day in the city of Pemba.

Since FAO established 16 October as World Food Day in 1979, this day has been celebrated as a date set aside to claim the right to food as a way of raising public awareness of issues related to nutrition and food.
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Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival at the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic

medicusmundi and the Alliance for Health held on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022, at 12:30 pm, a Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival
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Model communities continue to make progress in their fight against child malnutrition

medicusmundi continues to support the strategy of model communities in carrying out activities aimed at reducing malnutrition.
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6th Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival

The Alliance for Health and medicusmundi held on Friday, September 22nd, 2022, at 06:00 pm, the 6th session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival on the “The main challenges in the construction of Positive Masculinities in Mozambique”, at Centro de Teatro do Oprimido – CTO (Theatre of the Oppressed), in Maputo.
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Medicusmundi participates in the Workshop to assess the health response to the emergency in Cabo Delgado.

On the 28th and 29th of September, the Workshop to assess the health response to the emergency in Cabo Delgado province was held in Pemba.
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5th Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival about Positive Masculinities

The Alliance for Health and medicusmundi held on Friday, September 16th, 2022, at 10:00 am, the 5th session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival
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Second Special Session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival at ISARC

The Alliance for Health and medicusmundi held, on Friday, September 9th, 2022, at 10:00 am, the second special session of the “ACTIVA-TE” International Film Festival
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Medicus Mundi and CTV present the fruits of their work in the field of artisanal mining to the Governor of Cabo Delgado Province

On 16 September, representatives of the consortium formed by medicusmundi and Centro Terra Viva participated in the XVII Ordinary Session of the Provincial Consultative Council of Cabo Delgado in Pemba.
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Medicus Mundi and Aliança para a Saúde hold a special session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival at Eduardo Mondlane University

Medicus Mundi and Aliança para a Saúde held last Friday, September 2, 2022, at 5:00 pm, a special session of the ACTIVA-TE Film Festival on ʽʽThe Main Challenges in Exercising the Right to Health in Mozambiqueʼʼ.
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Medicusmundi celebrates nutritionists' day in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

On the 31st of August, nutritionists' day is celebrated in Mozambique, so the nutritionists of our team in Cabo Delgado took the opportunity to offer a nutritious and healthy lunch to the other team members
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Medicusmundi participates in the 2nd session of the development observatory in Cabo Delgado province

On the 26th of August, medicusmundi, accompanied by its local partner Centro Terra Viva, participated in the 2nd Session of the Development Observatory of Cabo Delgado Province, which took place at the Alberto Joaquim Chipande Teacher Training Institute
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Medicusmundi continues to implement the "model communities" strategy in the fight against chronic malnutrition in Mozambique.

On this occasion, from the 23rd to the 26th of August, our nutritionist colleague, Rufina Camicha, visited the community "Unidade B" in the district of Montepuez
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